Neuer Cloud PBX System Release 7.14

Der neue Aarenet Cloud PBX System Release 7.14 ist Ende Dezember 2023 für die Produktion freigegeben worden. Ab sofort werden alle neuen Systeme standardmässig mit diesem Release ausgeliefert. Bestehende Systeme können selbstverständlich aufgerüstet werden.

The new features focuses on user clients like the “anCall” plugin for Microsoft Teams. This application plugin allows to access the system portal and make calls directly from the Microsoft Teams platform, now also from mobile devices next to the existing plugin for desktop usage.


Additional customisation features complete Aarenet’s offering enabling a full white label platform, which can be tailored to the requirements of the customer.

For Microsoft Outlook users on Windows, a new plugin has been released enabling to dial directly from the Outlook contacts using the anDesktop application that was released in the previous version of the Aarenet platform. The application anDesktop, compatible with macOS and Windows OS, offers a feature rich telephony client as alternative to traditional physical deskphones. The desktop client is specifically interesting for remote workers who do not have a physical telephony infrastructure.

Direct dialling from Outlook contacts reduces the number of interventions necessary to dial the telephone number of a stored contact and reduces potential dialling errors. Further integration into Microsoft O365 applications are targeted to be released in one of the future releases.

Frank Remmers, VP Product Management says: “Many users of our Cloud PBX use the O365 suite of applications. It is our goal to improve the user experience by enabling and integrating our platform within this existing business environment. With the Aarenet solutions we want to simplify the integration of all voice communications into the daily routine. The development of this Outlook plugin is only the first step of many enhancements we plan to integrated to ensure a good interacting between Aarenet’s business communication applications with Office 365.”

Other new features such as additional call control CSTA functions for Contact Center applications have been added, further security features to harden the platform and to comply with the latest operating system requirements next to general maintenance and GUI improvements were implemented. Details of included features within this software release will be communicated upon request.

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