Aarenet unterzeichnete ein «Memorandum of Understanding» mit dem Vietnam Post and Telecommunications Institute of Technology

Aarenet, ein führender Technologie- und Lösungsanbieter für Carrier, Service Provider, Regierungen und Unternehmen, gab heute die Unterzeichnung einer Absichtserklärung (MOU) mit dem Vietnam Post and Telecommunications Institute of Technology (PTIT) in Hanoi, Vietnam, bekannt. Aarenet stellt dem Institut seine Softswitch-Systeme zur Verfügung und arbeitet bei der zukünftigen Entwicklung und Forschung im Bereich der Telekommunikation sowie bei Studentenaustauschprogrammen und Stipendien mit.

«We are excited to embark on this partnership with PTIT, which will benefit both parties in terms of knowledge transfer, talent development, and market expansion. We hope that this collaboration will foster a spirit of innovation and excellence in the telecommunications industry, as well as strengthen the ties between Switzerland and Vietnam.» said Mr. Felix Jakob, CEO of Aarenet.

Prof. Dr. Nguyen Tien Ban, Dean Faculty of PTIT, expressed his gratitude to Aarenet AG for their collaboration and trust. «We are very grateful to Aarenet for their support and commitment. This is a significant contribution to our institute’s development and vision. We look forward to working with Aarenet and exploring the potential of their softswitch systems for our education and research purposes,» he said.

The MOU also includes plans for future co-development and research in the field of telecommunications, as well as student exchange programs and scholarships. Aarenet and PTIT will collaborate on innovative projects and solutions, leveraging their respective expertise and resources. They will also facilitate academic and cultural exchanges between their students and faculty, offering opportunities for learning and networking. Additionally, Aarenet intents to provide scholarships for outstanding PTIT students who wish to pursue further studies or internships at Aarenet.


The MOU was signed by Mr. Jakob and Prof. Dr. Nguyen at a ceremony held at the Institute’s headquarters in Hanoi on January 24th, 2024.

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