Neuer Cloud PBX System Release 7.16

Der neue Aarenet Cloud PBX System Release 7.16 ist Ende Juni 2024 für die Produktion freigegeben worden. Ab sofort werden alle neuen Systeme standardmässig mit diesem Release ausgeliefert. Bestehende Systeme können selbstverständlich aufgerüstet werden.

The new Aarenet Cloud PBX Software Release 7.16 has been approved and released for general application commencing June 30th, 2024. Effective immediately, newly deployed systems will be commissioned with this new software release. A seamless upgrade service for existing installations is offered without impacting the availability of active service.

As main new focus, Unified Communication features have been implemented in the desktop client. The desktop client, offered under the commercial name of “anOne”, now offers UC features to CloudPBX extension users like chat, group chat, file sharing and video conferencing. In the scheduled later releases, the product portfolio will also be enhanced with a mobile client for use on iOS or Android smartphones.

Furthermore, based on our API strategy, Aarenet now offers an SDK (Software Development Kit) for integration of third party solutions. This enables an integration of other existing commercial applications and provides a toolkit to develop own desktop or mobile clients.

Also, it is now possible to control a mobile phone as a virtual extension of the CloudPBX, specifically useful in a contact center environment. This can be useful in environments where the mobile data reception, especially for nomadic use, does not provide enough bandwidth to allow voice communication. In this case, the contact center agent can use the mobile phone instead of a desktop client or a SIP phone to communicate with customers.

To increase the system’s security and limit the risk of non-authorised system access, we support 2FA (two-factor authentication) for a system user to access the administration portal.

Frank Remmers, VP Product Management says: “For this release we have been focussing on the core strength of our system and what it has been designed for. The initial target always has been to provide an open and standardised eco-system, that can interwork with surrounding applications. Initially, we developed the provisioning interface and focussed on the user experience and now have added with the SDK a further important corner stone to integrate third party applications. This opens the system for existing applications that are commercially available in our target markets and also for applications already being used by customers to be integrated into the system. We not only provide the SDK but also development support to reduce the time to market.”

Other new features such as additional information on system utilisation and call quality information shown in the CloudPBX dashboard, additional security features to harden the platform and to comply with the latest operating system requirements, next to general maintenance and GUI improvements were implemented. Details of included features within this software release will be communicated upon request.

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