Aarenet verstärkt ihre Präsenz auf Marktveranstaltungen in Italien

Aarenet verstärkt ihre Präsenz auf Marktveranstaltungen in Italien

Mit dem Sponsoring der ITNOG-Veranstaltungen in Bologna und der Teilnahme an den Namex-Veranstaltungen in Rom und Neapel in den Jahren 2023 und 2024 hat Aarenet deutlich gemacht, wie wichtig es ist, dort zu sein, wo sich der italienische Markt trifft.

These venues, leaded by the annual Salotto Mix event taking place in Milano every December, are today on all the Carriers and ISPs C-level Executives agendas in Italy.

Michel Balabio, Aarenet’s Director for Italy says: “We are about to confirm again Aarenet’s sponsorship of ITNOG event in 2025. Both this year and in 2023, the experience has always been very positive.

Both times the meetings in Bologna have been leading to new contacts, new projects, and few months later to signing new customers in both years. We look at 2025 to at least confirm the same trend, and hopefully do more.

Both Simone Bianco (Technical Director for Italy) and I, are looking forward to Salotto Mix in Milan in December, and to visit Bologna and Napoli again in 2025.

These are perfect venues to meet with our customers, long term contacts and with new opportunities, whether that happens in a 10 people meeting room, or over an aperitivo or a dinner”.




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Neuer Cloud PBX System Release 7.16

Der neue Aarenet Cloud PBX System Release 7.16 ist Ende Juni 2024 für die Produktion freigegeben worden. Ab sofort werden alle neuen Systeme standardmässig mit diesem Release ausgeliefert. Bestehende Systeme können selbstverständlich aufgerüstet werden.

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Neuer Cloud PBX System Release 7.16

Neuer Cloud PBX System Release 7.16

Der neue Aarenet Cloud PBX System Release 7.16 ist Ende Juni 2024 für die Produktion freigegeben worden. Ab sofort werden alle neuen Systeme standardmässig mit diesem Release ausgeliefert. Bestehende Systeme können selbstverständlich aufgerüstet werden.

The new Aarenet Cloud PBX Software Release 7.16 has been approved and released for general application commencing June 30th, 2024. Effective immediately, newly deployed systems will be commissioned with this new software release. A seamless upgrade service for existing installations is offered without impacting the availability of active service.

As main new focus, Unified Communication features have been implemented in the desktop client. The desktop client, offered under the commercial name of “anOne”, now offers UC features to CloudPBX extension users like chat, group chat, file sharing and video conferencing. In the scheduled later releases, the product portfolio will also be enhanced with a mobile client for use on iOS or Android smartphones.

Furthermore, based on our API strategy, Aarenet now offers an SDK (Software Development Kit) for integration of third party solutions. This enables an integration of other existing commercial applications and provides a toolkit to develop own desktop or mobile clients.

Also, it is now possible to control a mobile phone as a virtual extension of the CloudPBX, specifically useful in a contact center environment. This can be useful in environments where the mobile data reception, especially for nomadic use, does not provide enough bandwidth to allow voice communication. In this case, the contact center agent can use the mobile phone instead of a desktop client or a SIP phone to communicate with customers.

To increase the system’s security and limit the risk of non-authorised system access, we support 2FA (two-factor authentication) for a system user to access the administration portal.

Frank Remmers, VP Product Management says: “For this release we have been focussing on the core strength of our system and what it has been designed for. The initial target always has been to provide an open and standardised eco-system, that can interwork with surrounding applications. Initially, we developed the provisioning interface and focussed on the user experience and now have added with the SDK a further important corner stone to integrate third party applications. This opens the system for existing applications that are commercially available in our target markets and also for applications already being used by customers to be integrated into the system. We not only provide the SDK but also development support to reduce the time to market.”

Other new features such as additional information on system utilisation and call quality information shown in the CloudPBX dashboard, additional security features to harden the platform and to comply with the latest operating system requirements, next to general maintenance and GUI improvements were implemented. Details of included features within this software release will be communicated upon request.

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Neuer Cloud PBX System Release 7.16

Der neue Aarenet Cloud PBX System Release 7.16 ist Ende Juni 2024 für die Produktion freigegeben worden. Ab sofort werden alle neuen Systeme standardmässig mit diesem Release ausgeliefert. Bestehende Systeme können selbstverständlich aufgerüstet werden.

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Aarenet feiert 20-jähriges Firmenbestehen mit Partnern, Freunden und Mitarbeitenden

Aarenet feiert 20-jähriges Firmenbestehen mit Partnern, Freunden und Mitarbeitenden

Bei sonnigem Frühsommerwetter durfte Aarenet am Donnerstag, 13.06.2024 rund 70 Gäste zum Open Door Friends & Family Event begrüssen.

Grund war das 20-jährige Firmenbestehen. Bei kühlen Getränken und Köstlichkeiten aus allen Regionen, in denen Aarenet aktiv ist, trafen sich treue Wegbegleiter – Kunden, Partner, Freunde, Mitarbeiter und Familienangehörige – in den Räumlichkeiten und auf der Terrasse am Hauptsitz von Aarenet in Niederwangen.


Vom späteren Nachmittag bin in den Abend hinein entstand so ein gemütlicher Rahmen für ein Wiedersehen voller Erinnerungen und interessanter Gespräche. Wir bedanken uns bei allen für die jahrelange Treue und Unterstützung sowie für die Zeit, die sich alle für uns genommen haben. Wir haben es alle sehr genossen!

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Neuer Cloud PBX System Release 7.16

Der neue Aarenet Cloud PBX System Release 7.16 ist Ende Juni 2024 für die Produktion freigegeben worden. Ab sofort werden alle neuen Systeme standardmässig mit diesem Release ausgeliefert. Bestehende Systeme können selbstverständlich aufgerüstet werden.

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Aarenet bekommt einen neuen CEO

Aarenet bekommt einen neuen CEO

Dominik Moser tritt als neuer CEO der Aarenet AG an, während sich Felix Jakob nach 20 Jahren als Mitbegründer und CEO auf seine Tätigkeit im Verwaltungsrat konzentriert.

Nach zwei Jahrzehnten bei der Aarenet AG tritt Felix Jakob altershalber von seiner operativen Tätigkeit als CEO zurück. Ab dem 1. Mai 2024 übernimmt Dominik Moser die operative Leitung. Felix Jakob wird dem neuen CEO als Vice-Verwaltungsratspräsident weiterhin beratend zur Seite stehen.

«20 Jahre sind genug», sagt Felix Jakob. «Es ist wichtig, dass in der Führung der Firma neue Ideen und Ansätze zum Tragen kommen, gleichzeitig aber auch eine gewisse Kontinuität gewährleistet bleibt. Ich wünsche Dominik die gleiche Unterstützung vom Team von Aarenet wie ich sie erhalten habe und bin überzeugt, dass er die Erfolgsgeschichte von Aarenet weiter schreiben wird, ganz nach dem Motto consider it as done

«Aarenet hat sich erfolgreich als Hersteller und Lieferant hochverfügbarer Voice-, UC- und Callcenter-Systeme im Markt etabliert», sagt Dominik Moser. «Wir sind dankbar für Felix Jakobs herausragenden Beitrag zum anhaltenden Erfolg von Aarenet. Ich freue mich darauf, das Unternehmen gemeinsam mit meinen Kolleginnen und Kollegen weiterzuentwickeln.»

Dominik Moser stiess am 1. März 2024 zu Aarenet. Zuvor bekleidete er verschiedene C-Level-Positionen in nationalen und internationalen Unternehmen im Bereich Software Engineering, zuletzt bei einem von ihm mitbegründeten Startup.

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Neuer Cloud PBX System Release 7.16

Der neue Aarenet Cloud PBX System Release 7.16 ist Ende Juni 2024 für die Produktion freigegeben worden. Ab sofort werden alle neuen Systeme standardmässig mit diesem Release ausgeliefert. Bestehende Systeme können selbstverständlich aufgerüstet werden.

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Aarenet unterzeichnete ein «Memorandum of Understanding» mit dem Vietnam Post and Telecommunications Institute of Technology

Aarenet unterzeichnete ein «Memorandum of Understanding» mit dem Vietnam Post and Telecommunications Institute of Technology

Aarenet, ein führender Technologie- und Lösungsanbieter für Carrier, Service Provider, Regierungen und Unternehmen, gab heute die Unterzeichnung einer Absichtserklärung (MOU) mit dem Vietnam Post and Telecommunications Institute of Technology (PTIT) in Hanoi, Vietnam, bekannt. Aarenet stellt dem Institut seine Softswitch-Systeme zur Verfügung und arbeitet bei der zukünftigen Entwicklung und Forschung im Bereich der Telekommunikation sowie bei Studentenaustauschprogrammen und Stipendien mit.

«We are excited to embark on this partnership with PTIT, which will benefit both parties in terms of knowledge transfer, talent development, and market expansion. We hope that this collaboration will foster a spirit of innovation and excellence in the telecommunications industry, as well as strengthen the ties between Switzerland and Vietnam.» said Mr. Felix Jakob, CEO of Aarenet.

Prof. Dr. Nguyen Tien Ban, Dean Faculty of PTIT, expressed his gratitude to Aarenet AG for their collaboration and trust. «We are very grateful to Aarenet for their support and commitment. This is a significant contribution to our institute’s development and vision. We look forward to working with Aarenet and exploring the potential of their softswitch systems for our education and research purposes,» he said.

The MOU also includes plans for future co-development and research in the field of telecommunications, as well as student exchange programs and scholarships. Aarenet and PTIT will collaborate on innovative projects and solutions, leveraging their respective expertise and resources. They will also facilitate academic and cultural exchanges between their students and faculty, offering opportunities for learning and networking. Additionally, Aarenet intents to provide scholarships for outstanding PTIT students who wish to pursue further studies or internships at Aarenet.


The MOU was signed by Mr. Jakob and Prof. Dr. Nguyen at a ceremony held at the Institute’s headquarters in Hanoi on January 24th, 2024.

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Neuer Cloud PBX System Release 7.16

Der neue Aarenet Cloud PBX System Release 7.16 ist Ende Juni 2024 für die Produktion freigegeben worden. Ab sofort werden alle neuen Systeme standardmässig mit diesem Release ausgeliefert. Bestehende Systeme können selbstverständlich aufgerüstet werden.

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Neuer Cloud PBX System Release 7.14

Neuer Cloud PBX System Release 7.14

Der neue Aarenet Cloud PBX System Release 7.14 ist Ende Dezember 2023 für die Produktion freigegeben worden. Ab sofort werden alle neuen Systeme standardmässig mit diesem Release ausgeliefert. Bestehende Systeme können selbstverständlich aufgerüstet werden.

The new features focuses on user clients like the “anCall” plugin for Microsoft Teams. This application plugin allows to access the system portal and make calls directly from the Microsoft Teams platform, now also from mobile devices next to the existing plugin for desktop usage.


Additional customisation features complete Aarenet’s offering enabling a full white label platform, which can be tailored to the requirements of the customer.

For Microsoft Outlook users on Windows, a new plugin has been released enabling to dial directly from the Outlook contacts using the anDesktop application that was released in the previous version of the Aarenet platform. The application anDesktop, compatible with macOS and Windows OS, offers a feature rich telephony client as alternative to traditional physical deskphones. The desktop client is specifically interesting for remote workers who do not have a physical telephony infrastructure.

Direct dialling from Outlook contacts reduces the number of interventions necessary to dial the telephone number of a stored contact and reduces potential dialling errors. Further integration into Microsoft O365 applications are targeted to be released in one of the future releases.

Frank Remmers, VP Product Management says: “Many users of our Cloud PBX use the O365 suite of applications. It is our goal to improve the user experience by enabling and integrating our platform within this existing business environment. With the Aarenet solutions we want to simplify the integration of all voice communications into the daily routine. The development of this Outlook plugin is only the first step of many enhancements we plan to integrated to ensure a good interacting between Aarenet’s business communication applications with Office 365.”

Other new features such as additional call control CSTA functions for Contact Center applications have been added, further security features to harden the platform and to comply with the latest operating system requirements next to general maintenance and GUI improvements were implemented. Details of included features within this software release will be communicated upon request.

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Neuer Cloud PBX System Release 7.16

Der neue Aarenet Cloud PBX System Release 7.16 ist Ende Juni 2024 für die Produktion freigegeben worden. Ab sofort werden alle neuen Systeme standardmässig mit diesem Release ausgeliefert. Bestehende Systeme können selbstverständlich aufgerüstet werden.

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Aarenet unterzeichnet Managed-Service-Vereinbarung mit FPT Telecom International (FTI)

Aarenet unterzeichnet Managed-Service-Vereinbarung mit FPT Telecom International (FTI)

Aarenet hat heute die Unterzeichnung einer Contact Center as a Service (CCaaS) Vertriebsvereinbarung mit FTI, einem führenden Service Provider in Vietnam, bekanntgegeben.

This strategic partnership sets the stage for an exciting new chapter in their ongoing cooperation to revolutionise customer engagement and communications.


Aarenet’s CCaaS solution provides an array of advanced features, empowering businesses to elevate customer experiences while ensuring operational efficiency and scalability. Through offerings such as omnichannel support, intelligent routing, a unified workplace, real-time analytics and robust security measures, businesses can deliver personalised and consistent customer interactions, leading to improved customer satisfaction and loyalty. Moreover, the Deployment Portal enhances the speed of service delivery, facilitating CCaaS mass-deployment, making it an ideal solution for FTI – a leading Service Provider in Vietnam.


This collaboration reflects a shared commitment to innovation, customer satisfaction, and business growth. As both companies aim to set new industry standards, they collaborate to raise the bar for cloud contact centre services and redefine customer engagement in the Vietnam market.

«At FTI we have always been committed to delivering excellence to our customers. Partnering with Aarenet for their advanced CCaaS solution is a strategic move that aligns perfectly with our Customer-centric values. We believe that this collaboration will not only optimise our product and service portfolio but also enable us to forge stronger connections with our customers. We look forward to leveraging Aarenet’s expertise and innovative technologies to drive our business forward and create a positive impact in the market.»  Said Mr. Tran Hai Duong, FTI CEO.

«We are honoured to strengthen our collaboration with FTI by working together to bring our shared vision to life by delivering exceptional customer experiences for the business sector in Vietnam through cutting-edge technology. Leveraging our CCaaS platform, we are confident in our ability to empower FTI’s Customers with seamless, efficient, and personalised interactions with their valued clientele. Throughout this transformative journey, our dedicated team remains committed to offering support and expertise, ensuring a successful deployment.» Said Mr. Bao Vo, Director – Aarenet APAC.

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Neuer Cloud PBX System Release 7.16

Der neue Aarenet Cloud PBX System Release 7.16 ist Ende Juni 2024 für die Produktion freigegeben worden. Ab sofort werden alle neuen Systeme standardmässig mit diesem Release ausgeliefert. Bestehende Systeme können selbstverständlich aufgerüstet werden.

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Erfolgreiche Aarenet Partner Konferenz 2023 in Vietnam

Erfolgreiche Aarenet Partner Konferenz 2023 in Vietnam

Die Partnerkonferenz fand dieses Jahr in Hai Phong, Vietnam statt. Die erfolgreiche Veranstaltung brachte Vertreter von führenden Industrieunternehmen, Partner und Experten aus ganz Vietnam zusammen und war ein wichtiger Beitrag zur Förderung von Innovationen in der Telekommunikation.

Aarenet is delighted to announce the successful conclusion of its 2023 Partner Conference held in Hai Phong, Vietnam. This event brought together industry leaders, partners, and experts throughout Vietnam and marked a significant milestone in advancing telecommunications innovations.


The Aarenet 2023 Partner Conference took place at the Nikko Hotel in Hai Phong, Vietnam, from August 20th to 21st inclusively. The event exceeded expectations and was specifically designed to focus on key areas such as telecom trends, contact center advancements, unified communications, security and technical support excellence.


One of the conference highlights included the presentation of the “Most Innovative Carrier Customer of the Year 2023” award to FPT Telecom International as recognition for their exceptional contributions to the telecom industry in Vietnam.


Key highlights of the conference included keynote addresses, product demonstrations and showcases and offered an excellent platform for executing networking.


Speakers from Aarenet and FrontStage delivered insightful keynote addresses sharing the latest telecom trends, the evolution of contact centers and developments in its unified communications solution.


The Aarenet Pre-sales team demonstrated advanced third-party integration features within their Contact Centre solution such as eKYC, Text-to-Speech, and Speech-to-Text functionalities and the Aarenet Sales team showcased its latest unified communication products.


The conference provided ample networking opportunities, enabling attendees to establish valuable connections with industry peers, partners, and Aarenet Executives.

Reflecting on the successful event, Mr. Felix Jakob – Aarenet CEO, stated, «Our Partner Conference in Hai Phong surpassed our expectations and underlined our commitment to fostering collaboration and innovation within the telecom industry in Vietnam. We are immensely proud of the meaningful discussions, partnerships, and the recognition of FPT Telecom International’s innovation.»

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Neuer Cloud PBX System Release 7.16

Der neue Aarenet Cloud PBX System Release 7.16 ist Ende Juni 2024 für die Produktion freigegeben worden. Ab sofort werden alle neuen Systeme standardmässig mit diesem Release ausgeliefert. Bestehende Systeme können selbstverständlich aufgerüstet werden.

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Neuer Cloud PBX System Release 7.12

Neuer Cloud PBX System Release 7.12

Der neue Aarenet Cloud PBX System Release 7.12 ist Ende Juni 2023 für die Produktion freigegeben worden. Ab sofort werden alle neuen Systeme standardmässig mit diesem Release ausgeliefert. Bestehende Systeme können selbstverständlich aufgerüstet werden.

The new Aarenet Cloud PBXSoftware Release 7.12 has been approved for general application commencing June 30th, 2023. Effective immediately, newly deployed systems will be commissioned with this new software release. A seamless upgrade service for existing installations is offered without impacting the availability of active service.

The release is enhancing the Cloud PBX solutions for enterprises and entails a full multi-tenant carrier grade setup with a wealth of user features. Following requests of many customers, Fax2Mail has been integrated. A received fax message will now be forwarded to the appointed email address in an attachment.

Frank Remmers, VP Product Management says: “although fax is considered legacy solution, many customers still use it as it is considered an official legal document. The use of electronic mail alone is not sufficient as E-mail is not always accepted as a legal document. The implementation of the Fax2Mail will open additional vertical markets to address with our Cloud PBX offering.”

A further highlight of the new release, Aarenet’s own desktop client “anDesktop” has been released. This client, compatible with macOS and Windows OS, offers a feature rich telephony client as alternative to traditional physical deskphones. The desktop client is specifically interesting for remote workers who do not have a physical telephony infrastructure. The installation is self-explanatory and the activation is a user friendly process.

“anDesktop” also interacts with the Microsoft Teams embedded applet “anCall” and complements the offering for Microsoft Teams users. Remmers says: “Direct Routing has been implemented in a previous version and the use of the anCall embedded applet enables the integration of telephony into Microsoft Teams without the need to procure specific Teams phone licences. This significantly reduced the cost for Microsoft Teams users to access state-or-the-art Cloud PBX features like Advanced Call Distribution, Interactive Voice Response, Voice Mail and many others.”

To improve security for system operators as well as end-users a Two Factor Authentication for login, together with a compatible two-factor authentication application has been added. Other new features such as additional CSTA interface functions for Contact Center applications have been added and a platform upgrade to comply with the newest security requirements next to general maintenance and GUI improvements. Details of included features within this software release will be communicated upon request.

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Neuer Cloud PBX System Release 7.16

Der neue Aarenet Cloud PBX System Release 7.16 ist Ende Juni 2024 für die Produktion freigegeben worden. Ab sofort werden alle neuen Systeme standardmässig mit diesem Release ausgeliefert. Bestehende Systeme können selbstverständlich aufgerüstet werden.

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Technologie Workshop in Bangkok – Thailand

Technologie Workshop in Bangkok – Thailand

Aarenet führte kürzlich ein Technologie-Workshop in der APAC-Region durch. Der Anlass konzentrierte sich auf die Präsentation modernster Kommunikationstechnologien für Unternehmen, Behörden und das Militär.

Attendees were able to gain valuable insights into the future of secure communication technologies and witness live demonstrations of the latest products and solutions. Aarenet’s CEO, Felix Jakob, was also present to share his vision and roadmap for the company’s future endeavors. 


One of the highlights of the workshops was the showcasing of Aarenet’s newest product line, anContact. anContact is a comprehensive omni-channel contact centre solution that comes with a built-in ticketing and customer relationship management systems. This addition to the core voice component, a carrier-class voice switch, provides a multi-tenant solution to seamlessly unify voice and digital communication channels into a single unified queuing system.


AnContact is now available for Aarenet’s Partners, offering both hosted and on-premise solutions with flexible licensing options for all. This latest addition to Aarenet’s product line allows our Customers to increase their CX and streamline their communication and business processes. 


The event also featured a live demonstration of Aarenet’s flagship product, anSwitch 6, to the incumbent Carrier. With 15 years of experience in providing Carrier C4-C5 Softswitch solutions, anSwitch 6 is a well-proven, highly secured, and easy-to-manage system that demonstrates Aarenet’s prowess in the industry. 


The Aarenet AG team demonstrated their expertise in end-to-end encryption (E2EE) technology during the workshop, showcasing how it can protect users and senders from security and privacy risks during communications. This was just one of the many valuable insights how Aarenet’s technology can be utilised to enhance communication security. 


Overall, the workshops were of great success, highlighting Aarenet AG’s commitment to providing cutting-edge communication solutions to its Partners and Customers. 


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Neuer Cloud PBX System Release 7.16

Der neue Aarenet Cloud PBX System Release 7.16 ist Ende Juni 2024 für die Produktion freigegeben worden. Ab sofort werden alle neuen Systeme standardmässig mit diesem Release ausgeliefert. Bestehende Systeme können selbstverständlich aufgerüstet werden.

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