Aarenet an der ITNOG7 in Bologna (Italien)

Aarenet an der ITNOG7 in Bologna (Italien)

Aarenet hat an der ITNOG7 in Bologna, Italien teilgenommen und die Veranstaltung mittels Sponsoring unterstützt. ITNOG ist eine Non-Profit-Organisation, die sich auf den Austausch von Know-how sowie die Schaffung von Synergien zwischen italienischen Netzbetreibern, Carriern und Dienstleistern konzentriert.

With the attendance of the public growing year over year, the event has kept its original highly focused technical format and informal setting. Based on previous year’s positive experiences, Aarenet decided to enter the group of sponsors of the event this year. 


The aim of the ITNOG organization is to improve the quality of the Italian internet, by promoting the exchange of information and ideas across the board, from C-level executives to professionals and network technicians. 


Aarenet looks forward to next year’s edition, knowing that coming back to Bologna will give not only the opportunity to spend time with long-term contacts and new partners, but also attend a buzzing event where opportunities are openly shared.

“We are very happy of our participation at ITNOG this year. Aarenet is today recognized as an established player in the voice carrier grade solutions market in Italy, and for us it’s been very important to meet our customers, while also have the time to meet and have a drink with new contacts and discuss new opportunities” said Michel Balabio, Regional Director South Europe at Aarenet.

“ITNOG7 has delivered an agenda of detailed contents, addressing interesting ideas and changes involving today’s Italian data and voice networks” said Simone Bianco, Technical Director Italy at Aarenet.

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